Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Lucy Update

So here's the scoop on the latest with Lucy....Although her speech and talking has greatly improved since she began attending this preschool we have not seen a whole lot of progression in her fine and gross motor stuff. It is really scary and frustrating. We are not sure now what the issue is and we are thinking possibly that it may be an over-all muscle and joint issue. She's smart but just can't seem to get certain anyway the solution right now is to get her a "physical" work up to see what's going on. Therefore, this Sat. we are taking her to a hospital where the Shriners are doing a free screening for issues such as cleft palate, joint and muscular issues, hand problems etc....anyway we have an appointment for a 1/2 hour session with a seasoned physician who knows what to look for and can suggest treatment and or further referrals to specialized doctors. I am really nervous about the whole thing but also ready for it. I am getting really tired and really sad as I watch her struggle with things that kids a year younger than her can do fine with no problems. I guess I just want solution to the problems. If it is developmental...then so be it....we will kick it into high gear to try and help her work through all of this...if not...I am ready for a diagnosis and/or treatment. I just want to help her overcome her disablilties and work with her so that she can do the fun stuff that kids her age love to ride a bike/trike...climb up a ladder.... jump on a a door to go outside for pity sakes!!! My heart really hurts right now for her as the school year closes out and I see how far we need to come with her in the next 2 years to prepare her for Kindergarten...the road ahead is long but I know God already knows and I'm trying to trust in him..Please pray for us on Sat around 11:30. Pray that we remember to tell the doctor everything...pray that Lucy cooperates...Pray that God will give the doctor wisdom...and most of all ....pray that it won't be a waste of our time but that some real solution (one way or the other) would come of this and we could have some peace about our little girl!! Thanks!!--Taryn

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