Monday, April 13, 2009

The Easter Scoop

I hope everyone had an awesome Easter Holiday! We had a very relaxing enjoyable time! It started out Thursday night with Gideon going to a --let me spell it right this time dad--Sadder meal. He actually did really well at the meal and even tried everything including the horshradish!! On a side note: the women at his table asked him if he knew any other Gideon's and he answered..."yes, I know 2. the Prophet and me"....pretty funny! Anyway, while Gideon was there I went and had my cherished hair-cut and color....I love that time! As a mom who doesn't get pampered that much, it's so nice to get out of the house and not only that but a really good friend of my cuts my hair and she always washes it and cuts it and then styles it for me (usually straight--which is a nice change) so I go home feeling so relaxed! Anyway Nancy ended up spending the night because the Sadder meal went long which was great. On Friday she took Lucy to her house for the afternoon while I ran to get my ring back and do some shopping without kids. (I really felt spoiled) We met Keith's mom and dads at a restaurant for supper and then headed back to thier house for a relaxing evening. On Sat. we just kinda hung around the house. In the afternoon, our friends from PA stopped with their new baby...she was soooo cute!! We had a nice visit with them and then ran to Walmart and picked up Tiny's on the way to Nani's house for supper! Nothing beats a Cherry Slush Shake and greasy cheeseburger!!
Now for the big news.....At Nani's after supper we went out for a walk and a practice bike ride with no training wheels for mom has a really long country road where no cars go's nice and straight...ideal for this situation...and....although it was only Gideon's 3rd time out to try....HE GOT IT!!!!! He was riding down the road with daddy just running beside him (in his socks by the way.....he will remember to wear runable shoes in the future:) HE DID AWESOME and the whole time I was thinking...where is my camera!!!!! So, sadly I have no video but he did end up riding by himself for probably a half mile total without any fact he only falls now when he has to stop...we've got to work on the starting and stopping thing!! Anyway, we are so excited!! Those training wheels are just a pain in the rear end and it's so nice to not have to worry about them anymore!! I was so shocked that he did didn't take him long at all we were only out about about 2 minutes when he started doing it and it was only his 3rd try! GREAT JOB GID!! YOU MADE MOMMY SO PROUD!! Now if we could just help Lucy focus her eyes in a way and strengthen her muscles enough that she can ride her trike!
So that was the major excitment of the weekend! On Sunday we headed to my grandparents for Easter and had a great time visiting with cousins and aunts and uncles. We had an Easter egg hunt and a great meal! Hopefully I can get some pictures uploaded of the day! Gideon and Keith went fishing back at the pond and got 5 fish each so it was a great day for my fisherman as well!! Of course last night the holiday feelings abruptly ended with Ella starting in with the Croup but over-all it was a great time!!

1 comment:

Dad said...

Did you get that 'my little girl'?


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