Friday, May 29, 2009

Fresh and alive...bright and young...spring is a love song sweetly sung..... that musical....I know no one has a clue because no one (but perhaps my cousins Grace and Maria) are as obsessed with musicals like I am....

Anyway it is another beeeeauuuutifuuuulllll day! I should be outside instead of sitting in here on the computer but I'm not. I just got done making shortcake for tonight. We're having friends over for pizza and strawberry shortcake and I am really excited. My kids are going to absolutely bombard Nat-Cat but that's ok...we will survive. So today is Lucy's last day of preschool this year. She should be arriving home in about 25 minutes. I have enjoyed my "quiet times" when she is away but have missed her a lot so I'm glad she's now a "less-scheduled" child. We had an appointment with her opthamologist on Wednesday and it went really well. Her eyes were better this time than last and the doc was excited about that (so was I") Anyway she was VERY excited to learn that we were thinking of taking Lucy to a pediatric orthopedic and couldn't encourage us enough to follow that route. She stated that Lucy's eye thing was muscular and she was interested to find out as well if it was a whole body muscular issue or just eye. She strongly recommended a orthopedic in the of which has an uncanny way of diagnosing those kids that (like Luc) are difficult to she is REALLY good with kids. Hopefully she will be in our here we go...I am excited...nervous and apprehensive but Really Ready....hopefully we can get this show on the road faster than 6 months!!
Well...that's the latest. Tomorrow we are going to pick up Grammy and Papa from the airport...and the kids are really excited....I must admit I am excited to see them too...they've kinda grown on me over the years ya know :) Anyway I hope everyone is having a great week! Enjoy the beautious weather!! Me Encanta Mucho!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

It's a Beauty!

Well....obviously my dedicated readers (all two of you :)) have probably noticed my lack of blogging...basically it is because it is absoluetly beautiful out and I just can't sit inside my house long enough to type a is once again gorgeous but I got a little bit burn't outside yesterday so I'm sticking to the shade today....even though I'd rather be out on my patio watching the kids run through the sprinkler as I sip on my choice of beverage (ice tea of course:) Anyway so the past couple weeks have been fairly uneventful but really nice. Keith just got back from a 2 day trip to Arkansas...I missed him mucho this time (some times are harder than others) so I'm glad to have him back. Gideon has been home all week since he got finished with preschool last Friday. It's interesting how you get used to a child being gone certain times of the day and when they are there again somehow the normalcy gets all messed up again....but still I'm glad to have him home. Lucy's got 2 more days next week and then we'll be all done. Gid starts t-ball on June 2nd and that will run until July 9th so every Tues and Thurs morning we will be at the ball park! It should be fun. He's really excited about it all! He's been "working on his moves" every night in the back yard with the neighbor kids and he does pretty well. He can hit the ball pretty far compared to last summer. So that's what's new with Gideon. Lucy will be going to another opthamologist appointment on Wed and we'll be asking her about her take on Lucy and if she would suggest any pediatric orthopedics and then we'll begin the long process of appointments with the suggestions...I'm kinda dreading the process but really wanting the end result to happen so I've got to get a move on! Anyway, Ella is still a little stinker. She has discovered now that she can pull stuff she wants off the counter and does so all the time...even dirty greasy dishes....YUCK!! Anyway she's talking and singing up a storm...maybe only understood by mom and dad and grandparents but's so cute...she says "Hi Guys" all the time now and yells out the window at the neighbor kids all the time....we have no clue what she's saying but she seems to know :)
Keith and I are about the same...nothing really exciting going on. This weekend we are sending Jim and Nancy off to see Scott and Alicia. We are driving them up to the airport and then coming home to mulch our lives away....that is a huge job that I am dreading....anyway Gideon was saying the other day "Mom-when grammy and papa get to uncle Scotts house they are going to open the door and have to be really quiet because the baby will be sleeping" I answered..."Really, what baby?"...."Uncle Scott's new baby" he Duh mom! So Scott and Alicia....sorry I hadn't heard the news....Congrats!! Hahahaha!! :)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Our Little Boy is Growing Up.....

I downloaded a video of Gideon at his end of the year preschool program last night. I CANNOT believe that it has been a year. I almost started crying last night at the program. I don't think I am prepared for the mad rush of years that lies ahead.....arn't they suppose to stay little a little bit longer :(......He did really well during the presentation....if you listen closely you can hear him singing. I am so thankful for the preschool. Even though Gid will be going to a small school they still can't talk about Jesus because it's public and it was so nice to have Gideon learning SO MUCH about Jesus. His preschool teachers were great and energetic and I can't wait for Lucy to go in a couple of years. So....he sad and so exciting all wrapped up in the same.
The rest of the week has been very busy. We've had something almost every night and have been needing to get out and mulch our flower beds but haven't had the time or the weather cooperation for it. Hopefully next weekend we'll be able to get that done. Anyway this weekend looks like it will be busy too with a bridal shower and Mother/Daughter banquet Saturday and Sunday we are leading worship (scary) at our churches camp out. I hope everyone is doing well....on a side note....little Walter congratulations on your first 100 days! I wish I could be at the party and squeeze your little cheeks! We love you!! ---Drew and Mel why don't you guys get transferred to a Michaels around here.....:)

Our Little Boy is Growing Up

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Pick a little Talk a Little Cheap Cheap Cheap's garage sale time of the year again....YES!!! I love a good cheap steal!! My neighbor, who happens to be in her 60's has a garage sale every year and her daughters bring their sons gently used clothing for the sale. This year....(excited exhale).....she came down and asked me if I wanted to come down early and go through all the stuff!! So I picked through the stuff and got some great deals....including.... new jeans for 1.00 and a pair of new khaki cargos for 1.00 as well! We also splurged and got a OSU coat that was never worn for 4.00 (kinda expensive but in Keith's opinion...totally worth it) I also got 3 pairs of shorts and a swimsuit for .50 cents each and a pair of long pants for .75!If I could only find a good source with girls clothes....we'll have to wait and see.

Our lives have been kinda chaotic lately but hopefully they will be slowing down some soon. This past weekend we had an awesome time with our new nephew/cousin Lucas...he was really cute and Gideon loved to hold the girls had a blast with Jessica. Jessica is getting so big and was so hilarious...she would dance and "shake it down" with her Elmo doll and she was soooo funny! It was really great to see them all. Keith left for Arkansas yesterday afternoon but he'll be back tonight late after Lost......I'm so thankful for quick trips!!
Ella has been talking a ton lately......she's learning new words every day and totally surprising Keith and I with her vocabulary at only 16 months the words she speaking include the obvious Hi, Bye Bye, Mama, Dada...but she's also saying chocolate, pretzel, graham cracker (I know they all have to do with food uh oh:) and chip. This weekend when we were in Chicago my sister in law was asking Gideon, Lucy and Jessica if they wanted a little chip. Lucy and Jessica said in unison "I want a chip".....and Ella looked at Aunt Jana and said "I wan chip" . She is answering our questions alot more as when we affirm that she wants something she nods her head yes and no and when I ask her if she wants a graham cracker or a pretzel she says.....Uhmmmmmmmmm....and then chooses. Last night I said "Lets go outside" and she said "ok" and went and got her shoes.....she is amazing us (maybe we are just excited parents...she just seems so young to be doing this stuff) She also says...."Stop" when her brother and sister are picking on her or when mommy and daddy try to take something away. The diction (sp?) of course is not completely there but it is enough that she is very understood! So fun!
Well hope everybody has a great mothers day weekend!....for some of you HAPPY FIRST MOTHERS DAY!!!
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