Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Guess Who walked?

So.....a couple of weeks ago I let you guys know that Ella was standing by herself and had even taken a few steps....well later that week....I let her fall.....(I know I am a horrible mother) and for the last 2 weeks she has refused to walk. We stand her up and she screams and sits right down. Well last Wed night I was in the bathroom and came out and turned to look into my bedroom and there is Ella standing up in the middle of the floor. She had pulled herself up....she looked at me said Dadadada......and with no prompting took 3 steps toward me....I was so excited I picked her up and tried to stand her on her feet to do it again.....and......she proceeded to scream and sit right down....This walking thing is going to be on her terms I tell ya !!! She walks when she wants and when SHE doesn't want to .....you best not make her stand up or your in for an ear full!!! She has also hilariously been using her rocking chair as a "walker" and walking around the house pushing the rocking chair for balance...she looks just like a little old lady....she's hilarious! Anyway here's the video of her walking on her terms!! ENJOY!! Love to all

Fun with the Kids

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

MLK and Today

Yesterday I wanted to teach Gideon and Lucy a little bit about what this "holiday" was about. So we had a little lesson about Martin Luther King. We colored his picture and talked about him and african american history in this country (of course on an incredibly primary level) We wrote ways that Gideon thought up about making peace. He did really well thinking of them he came up with 4 ideas without any help from me: I can make peace like Martin Luther King Jr by Saying I'm Sorry; Listening to God and to other people; Giving love like Jesus; Liking peopleof different colors. Then...of course....(with my kids this is the norm) he and Lucy wanted to Dress up like Martin Luther King Jr .....and so I got out the suit jackets and painted on mustaches (Gideon wanted to paint his whole face brown) and "played" Martin Luther King Jr. It was pretty funny....I hope no one is offended by it...he is so cute in his innocence.

HAHAHAHA!! After that we played DC Talks ( I know...pathetic that I have this C.D) "Free At Last" and danced around the room...we talked about how just like Martin Luther King Jr talked about Freedom....that he also believed in Jesus and we can have freedom when we ask Jesus into our hearts...Jesus died to give us freedom from sin...so we danced for Jesus to the song and laughed and (don't tell Keith) jumped up and down on the couches ...I'm not sure if the kids got the message but hopefully I gave them something we can build on in the future!

Today...for the presidential inaugeration (sp?) we made a poster and colored pictures on the American Flag, President Obama and the White house. We talked about the United States and looked at maps of the world. I told the kids that the President is like a King....they could relate to that :) Anyway we had fun. We watched the ceremony in the living room for lunch and amazingly Gideon actually sat down and watched it. It was a good time. I know they are really young for all of this but I just wanted them to be educated about the days (of course on a VERY VERY PRIMARY level) but still....it's never to early to start I guess!

Anyway hope everyone is doing well and had a good holiday weekend!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow some where else....

Lately I feel like I live in Michigan along the lake shore...we've gotten so much SNOW!!! It's really beautiful actually but I can already feel the spring fever coming on....About this time of the winter I start to get really tired of the cold and the dreary and we have a good 2-3 months ahead of us like this...I need to find some winter projects!! :) Anyway this past week was a busy but good time. We got a lot done.....like sitting around the house....coloring pictures....watching movies....playing in the snow......drinking hot chocolate....playing with friends......eating.....ya...we were really busy with important things! :) The kids did both go to school...although Gideon's class was cancelled because of snow on Friday and tomorrow looks like it may be again...they are predicting blizzard like conditions.! Right now the snow is softly floating to the ground and it is really pretty...I must admit....although I've had about enough of if this past week. Lucy is at preschool today. She has really been enjoying herself...but she comes home from school in horrible moods...like seriously...as soon as her feet hit the door she is screaming at everybody and hitting her brother for no apparent reason...I have concluded that she is over stimulated so I put in her Princess sing a long video to calm her down. That seems to do the trick. Her first day riding the bus...she came home filthy...apparently Mrs Chris...her bus driver said she was crawling underneath the bus seats..she had grease absolutely everywhere. She also spilled her chocolate milk all the way down her jacket at lunch so her clothes went right into the wash. On Friday she was less dirty but still had some stains that needed washed out so our current after preschool procedure is to stop at the washing machine on our way in and strip spray and wash out the stains :) At least she's having fun though!
That's our life in a flash! Hope everyone's have fun in this winter wonderland :(

Look Who's Standing Papa!!

So...this one's for my Dad in Israel....to bring him some joy and good news since he's in the midst of a sad time...so....Papa check me out!! I have learned in the last few days how to stand up all by myself and stay that way for at least 2 minutes! If I start to fall...I can even push myself back up off the floor into the standing position and this morning while Lucy was at Preschool I took my first 2 steps to mommy! Yay! Can't wait til you come home so you can see how big I am for yourself!! Love ya Ella

Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to Normals

Well...our lives are slowly becoming normal again! Today is our first day back into normal routine and I must admit...although I miss Keith being home and helping out already...I am glad to be back on schedule! The holiday's were really great! We got to see lots of family and the kids enjoyed their cousins! They were spoiled way too much....by the way...if anybody has any good ideas for teaching young preschool age kids how to be unselfish and giving I'll take 'em! I made the kids sort through their toys and get rid of some of them so hopefully that will help! We are going to try and give them to people who need them...but these days in this country it's hard to find kids that "need" toys...ya know?
Anyway!! So it was a great holiday. This past weekend we had the opportunity to go and see Ang and Kent and their family be commissioned by their church to Albania. I am really excited for Ang but I must admit...it's going to be really hard to see them go...even though I am in full support of them going...Albania seems so far...even with technology and 3 years seems like a really long time! (I love ya Ang and know...despite my selfish wanting you to stay close....God is going to do great things through you and Kent....Emily, Grace and Ethan!--I'm believing that)
So--that's the scoop on us! Today Gideon went back to preschool...he was super excited because he's going to have his Christmas Party today...it was cancelled because of the ice and snow storms before Christmas. Lucy got to meet her bus driver today and get on the bus and sit in her seat! She starts school tomorrow (I've cried 2 of the last 3 nights about it) She seems so little to be going to school....I just started to be a stay at home mom and already have to give her up! But...I know it's what is best for her....so despite how I feel....it needs to be done! She'll get on the bus at around 10:45 drive 20 minutes to preschool...eat lunch there...have therapy and then get home off the bus at around 2:35. She is really excited. Uncle Jay and Aunt Les got her a princess book bag that she has been zipping and unzipping the last 1/2 hour...since we got done with the bus tour! Anyway....I don't think she'll have any trouble adjusting...just her weepy mommy!
Lucy also starts her dance classes again this week and Gideon and Lucy start Swim class/lessons next week! Our schedules are filling up fast with the new year!
Hope you are happy and healthy!!

Christmas Pictures

Christmas Morning! Doesn't Ella look thrilled!
Keith took this during the electricity outage in the complete darkness...you'd never know!

Fun with Jacob at the Myers Family Christmas!

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