Monday, April 28, 2008

Weather Man vs. GOD

Well...although the weather man predicted thurs-mon to be cold, mostly cloudy & wasn't. We only saw drops of rain and a whole lot of sun in between. God just must have known we needed the sun!! We had a good end to the week and a great relaxing weekend. Saturday, we decided to take the kids to the zoo. It was cooler so we thought it would be a great time to see the aniamels in a more active state...and it was. The Cheetahs were out of their valley( when they are in there they look like ants their so far away) and were right up against the fence about 50 feet from us...Gideon loved it. The sloth bear was actually up and moving and the mother and baby polar bear were playing around togethor in their habitat. When we went into the aquarium Lucy just started screaming....good screams...she absolutley loved it! We went through the amazon rain forest part and I didn't know that there was an actual sloth in there crawling around but he was right out front and I discovered that sloths....are really ugly :) Anyway the kids had a great time and we ended the trip with icecream at Coldstone~
As some of you know (specifically Kelli :) it's Morell (sp?) mushroom season.....and Jim has been hunting and coming up with a real crop. On Sunday we went for steak and fresh mushrooms for lunch at the lake and following was another mushroom hunt by Keith and his dad in which they found some huge was about as long as the stretch between your index finger and thumb and was almost as thick as a peach....anyway the hunt is always fun so Keith thoroughly enjoyed himself! After the mushroom hunt Keith went fishing with a friend while the kids and I went on a walk with Nani (my mom) on which Lucy and Ella were having a whining match....sorry mom....
The real kicker of the day happened after church before we went for lunch....I was standing in the kitchen making a salad to take and what sounded like a gun shot went off....and the electricity went out....the transformer about 8 yards from the house blew....needless to say we had lots of Toledo Edison trucks parked in our yard for the majority of the day...luckily we could go to moms and stay out of the mess!!! Well that's all in our not so exciting life....It turns May in just a few days...YIPEE!!!!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Yea, Morell mushrooms! (maybe we can some some this weekend).

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