Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Growing up too fast....

Well...this week is Gideon's big test.....Time to see whether he is ready or not for kindergarten....I am pretty sure he'll do just fine but somehow I am feeling some pressure for him. Tonight we have the Parents meeting to find out just what all this testing involves. We've already been given a clue by his Preschool teachers who have been preparing him for some of the testing...like teaching that the diamond is not a diamond but rather a rhombus and the oval is not an oval but an elipse....these are questions asked in the testing. When we had parent-teacher conferences last week Mrs. Diane informed us that Gid was ready...no problem...so that was comforting...she had done a test flashing cards with pictures of people, places and things on the cards and gave him 3 minutes to name as many as he could.....in 3 minutes he named 71 out of the 75 cards! I was pretty excited! Of course I don't know if all the other kids got 75 out of 75 or not but I was still excited!! But...needless to say...even though I know he's ready I'm still nervous about it....trying not to show him at all...but still nervous. In his parent teacher conference while we waited I overheard the teacher talking to some other parents about how their child might not be quite ready and how he was behind in gross and fine motor and speech...etc....I thought....."that is going to be us with Lucy" and my heart just broke for them. I came home from the conference more worried about Lucy than Gideon I think...I keep telling myself she won't be going to Kindergarten until she's almost 7 anyway so that gives us PLENTY of time...and my mom informed me that she was the same with me and my older brother Brad....Brad excelled at everything...I was usually behind in everything....so that made me feel a little better! Maybe it's a first child/second child sydrome... who knows....So...anyway despite the nervousness of the testing I am feeling like my little boy is growing up way too fast...I am not ready for Kindergarten quite yet!! We were sitting around the table the other night and Gideon turns to me and says " Mom....we forgot to have Cinnamen Rolls this morning....It's Cinnamen Roll Sunday" (we stole the naming the days of the week breakfasts from Keith's cousin...and it has done wonders for Gideon learning what day it is....Thanks Kelli!!)--note....I do not make Cinnamen Rolls every sunday...way too much sugar....way too much work!! Anyway I said...."Oh...I am sorry buddy....we'll have to have them another day" He responded confidently..."No mom....just mix them up today and then pray to Jesus that he makes Sunday tomorrow too!"--Problem solved...God has made the sun stand still before...he could do it again......maybe he'll make the sun stand still for a while so I can hold on to my little Gideon a little bit longer and he doesn't grow up too fast..... :)
On another note....I have officially had Ella weaned for 1 week tomorrow.....I am absolutely miserable but Ella has adjusted AWESOME!!! and is a MUCH...MUCH...MUCH happier baby...she was getting to the point that she wanted to eat all the time...wanted only milk and when she wasn't nursing she was screaming to nurse....anyway...I thought it would be awful...but she has offically gained her independence and has now realized there are other people in the world besides mommy....suddenly she loves to be held by daddy and squeals and giggles when Grandparents arrive needing to be cuddled by them right away....Praise to Jesus for his mercy in this easy adjustment!! Now...if my body could just get used to not nursing anymore!!!
Hope you're all having a great week!

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