Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Don't you hate it when.....

I absolutely hate puking...I admit it fully that I fear it like I fear a gruesome death....(I'm feeling very honest today:)...anyway...what frustrates me more than that is when one of my kids is sick specifically the one that can't talk.....and they can't communicate with me what's going on...how they are feeling....if they're tummy hurts...give me some warning that they are going to vomit...etc.....Seriously....it is so hard for me to just sit and wait for the inevitable....I want to be prepared....but ....unfortnetly with infants...there is little to no preparation until it's just too late....so a mother is stuck unable to do much to help the little one.....that's how I feel today...While I was taking Lucy out to the bus Gideon screams out the door...."MOM...ELLA SPIT UP EVERYWHERE"....Yah....great.....so I came in and diagnosed the situation....I asked Gideon if he had given her anything....like a pretzel or something....he said yes....I said did she choke and then throw up (I don't know why I expected a 5 year old to be able to answer this logically)....first he said yes...then...no....then....she just spit up....Ok....so Ella was screaming not letting me put her down.....and I have puke to clean up.....I manage to distract Ella with toys and clean up the puke....Ella then starts to whine again...I think...Ok...it must be the flu and not a choking episode....I have Gideon run and get a bucket and a towel.....no puke...in fact.....she is hungry....I give her a cracker...she eats it...and then another.... I then think....ok....she must just have choked....so I try and go about like normal and put her down....she starts to whine and cry.....this proceeds ALL MORNING!!! She is eating a little....which gives the indication that she is not sick but she won't let me set her down and is incredibly fussy and coughing a lot which gives the indication that she's sick...she was incredibly tired so I put her down for a nap early...I guess we'll just have to see when she gets up if she's fussy....I just wish she could say..."mommy...my tummy hurts and I don't feel good" life would be so much easier to be in the know as a mother !! Needless to say at this point I am not looking forward to the rest of the day!I am hoping she wakes up happyand herself and then my questions will be answered...but the not knowing and the waiting may just push me to my max today.....I think I am learning a lesson in patience.....sorry about the negativity....I just needed to vent! Wishing life with 3 kids could be easier at this point!

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