Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Vote Early.....Vote Often....Vote Repcratic

So...the vote has been cast with my kids...now I need to decide! I have sometime in the next 6 hours to cast my vote and I must truthfully admit...this has not been an easy one for me. I have done my research.....at least as much research as I can stand...and understand...because let me just say that I do not and will never understand economics, eco-logics (did I just make that word up?)and psycologics....I must base my decisions on what I percieve to be the truth and unfortunetly that's all it is...a perception. These times always frustrate me because though opinion resounds again and again....truth is never transparent...I watched the Saddleback church interview of each candidate and thought....yes now...after hearing their opinions on faith I will beable to deduce the truthful one...the difference between the true believer......and the one that is "saying the right things" and I must admit...after watching the entire interview of both candidates on some real tough faith questions...I came up at an even tie.....the problem was...they both sounded fine....sounded like believers....and the truth of the matter is....they both may very well be!!! I cannot judge my brothers based upon issues and works....I must take them at their words... and their words were....they believed that they were sinners and Jesus Christ was their Savior....so I am forced to choose based upon my intellect and my opinion....which my friends as a sinner myself is honestly quite flawed....so anyway...I will cast my vote today with a prayerful heart knowing full well that at the end of this election....God will still be God....he will still save lives....he will still love us and care for us.....he will still listen to our prayers and answer with miracles......that in the end....history may look back on this day and just remember the candidates name.....in a long list of names...(does anyone really ever remember Millard Filmore or Franklin Pierce?:) Anyway....I guess I am just saying....I am not really worried about it....because if I worry about it I am doing what God has instructed me not to do...."do not worry about tomorrow...for tomorrow will worry about itself...." I will not waste my time in great worry and fret if the candidate of my choice does not win for I know that God can use any circumstance, any person and any place in his plans....not just those circumstances, persons or places I know or believe to be or live near or in....so enough political debate....at the end of the day it will be over and done.....and we'll all say....Amen....Amen.....Amen and Again I say AMEN

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I love Gideon's reasoning. :) Cute video.

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