Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

So here is the first real picture taken with our new camera...Keith would be so thrilled to know I posted this....anyway he was talking to Chad the other night and I was messing around so oh well!! I really like it..the camera that is....it's got a huge screen in the back and seems so easy to operate! Keith has never really appeared on my blog except in pictures of the whole family so I thought I would post his pic! Anyway our lives have been total and complete chaos lately so I haven't had a whole lot of down time! Gideon, of course is in preschool 3 days a week and now, lately with Lucy I have felt like she is in preschool too! We have been taking her to meet with therapists, have monitered "play times" where a whole group of people sit around and watch her play listening to what she says and seeing her inter-act with other kids, we've had a home visit, opthomologist appointments, we've been patching her eye 4 hours a day, we are potty training her and on top of everything else she still has dance class once a week and Christmas Play practice for the church program! AHHHHH! This has put her in extremely cranky moods and she is very impatient! That, along with Ella into just about everything and cranky with a cold herself...and did I mention she still wants to nurse EVERY 2 HOURS! another AHHHHH! Keith says to just cut her off but it's hard when I am at my wits end with Lucy worried and stressed and she cries and cries until I pick her up and then tears and bites my shirt until I give in.....it's going to be a hard "weaning" in a few months! We are preparing to go to my friend Traci's wedding this weekend which I am really looking forward too, but my mom had to have "emergency" surgury last week and the recovery has been harder than expected and now I'm not sure she'll be available to watch the kids...another AHHHHH!!! Anyway, I know that I will survive all this it just feels like total chaos with the holidays quickly approaching! I have done most of my shopping on ebay so far getting good deals so that's coming togethor at least!
Gideon turned the big 5 yesterday! Can you believe it...5 years old! He was so excited about turning 5 that's all he could talk about! "Mom...you have to measure me....I'm 5 now" Anyway we celebrated in shifts for his b-day! Friday night we took him out to get his first pet....a fish..but realized you can't just get a fish....you have to get a tank and let the water get just right before you can put fish in it.....it takes 24 hours...so we got all the stuff....took Gideon out to his favorite McDonalds for supper and went home to set it up! On Sat...we ate Pizza at my moms for supper and then he opened his gift from them which was legos...the big kid kind....my mom apologized knowing I had little kids that would eat the little parts but I thought that was fine...now he has something special he can play all by himself at the table with Dad or Mom. Anyway on Monday he got his birthday breakfast of powdered donuts with his Papa while I took Lucy to a "play therapy session" Then we came home and he had his choice of lunch...Chicken Nuggets, Peas and Applesauce. He then took chocolate cupcakes to preschool to share with his friends. While at preschool he got to ....and I quote..."ride in the rocket ship" because it was his birthday...I have no idea what that means....anyway after that we rushed Lucy to dance class and proceeded to go back to the pet shop to pick out fish...He picked out two goldfish...one he named Stripes and the other he named Silly....well stupid mommy forgot she had to go to Walmart too and couldn't leave the fish in the cold car or they'd die and didn't want to risk questions....so I took the fish put them in the diaper bag and ran into Walmart with the kids...we did our shopping and then went to check out....and....dadadada......forgot my purse in the car....so I had to take the kids....and the "secret fish" out to the car....with Gideon saying really loud..."mommy I didn't tell about the fish in the bag" GREAT!!!! Anyway so I run back outside with the fish and kids...(I don't know why I didn't just leave them out there to begin with...) grab my purse run back in with the load in tow....pay and run out.....drive like a mad man to pick up Lucy and get home before the precious fish died.....We got home, and ate Enchiladas (made by Gid and Keith) for birthday supper...while I went and aclimated the fish to the tank. Gideon....luckily got a gift from Uncle Drew and Aunt Melinda in the mail so he actually had gift to open....which he loved!!!(Hot wheels cars and a transformer)....the fish were acclimated but I could tell the little one...Stripes was not doing well....well...this morning....he took a ride in the old throne....poor little guy....at least Gideon didn't have time to fall too in love with him.....We still have Silly and he seems to be doing ok....he ate alot this morning so hopefully he lives! Anyway last night we ended the night getting phone calls from family for Gideon's b-day and playing with his new toys! It was chaotic but fun and Gideon said this morning...."Is it still my birthday" and I had to break the news to him that it was not (although we are meeting Grammy and Papa tonight for his b-day) anyway I love that little booger! He is turning into such a big boy that during the day doesn't need his mommy much but at night after snack still wants me to scratch his back for him! We love him so much and are so proud of him! I see him growing up before my eyes and it's so hard to let him go...a little at a time...he's been asking all these questions lately about heaven and hell and Satan and Jesus and what Jesus did on the cross...understanding more and more about what it all means....it's exciting to see his spiritual maturity but scary at the same time....I want so much for him to understand the gospel of grace and Christ's love for him at an early age...to have no fear and to trust his savior! The responsiblity of a parent is overwhelming to me sometimes when I think about spiritual things....I just don't want to screw him up!!! Ya know what I mean moms? Anyway! This blog has gone on long enough!!! Hope everyone's well! Blog ya later...

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