Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Presenting....Taryn's 5th Symphony....

So...does anyone know where Tuesday the 3rd of February went? I don't know about you guys but yesterday was COMPLETE AND TOTAL CHAOS!! Too many things in one day! Here goes the run down.....

Woke up.......1/2 hour later the phone rings.....and it never stopped ringing all day long!
The first phone call was a good one though!! My younger brother Drew and his wife Melinda (avid followers of my blog....thanks guys) in Virginia had a baby!!! YAYYYY!! It was a 9lb 2oz baby boy....holy cow huge!!! I am so proud of Melinda for her laboring!! Word is she did great but the little buddy just didn't want to come down so....they had to was all well and good and mommy are fine and daddy is very proud!! I must admit I am a pretty excited aunt too! CONGRAT's DREW and MELINDA!!! They named the baby after my Grandpa's and he was born on my Grandma's birthday so it was pretty special! Gideon is super excited about his new "BOY" cousin (I hope you caught the emphasis) ...when my dad asked him about he whole thing he said....."Now it's uncle Colin's turn to have a baby" .....There ya go Colin....the pressures on from that little one:)

After that there were numerous calls back and forth to and from different family members
Around 9:30 the forestry guys came to cut down our neighbors tree and our three dying really messy pines in the back yard....they were here chainsawing from 9:30-5:00....SERIOUSLY ALL DAY!!! All I heard was BRZZZZZZZZ.......THUNK.....BRZZZZZ.....THUNK....(that is not the sound of the tree guys falling out of the tree for those of who are thinking morbidly)

10:45- Got Lucy on the Bus for Preschool....came inside....did homework with Gideon..
11:45-Got a call from my friends I am babysitting for on Monday wondering if I can come at 1:30 to get fingerprinted (fostercare babysitting)....
12:00Call my dad....he says he can come watch the kids/man the house while I'm gone
12:15 Make the washer repair man (yes our washer is on the fritz again)...leave a message...put Ella down for quiet time....wait for my dad to come....wait.....wait...wait...... he forgot and was far from home..unable to come back....called Margaret...cancelled the a call back from my dad...apologizing for forgetting (he felt horrible)....interuppted by a call beeping in from my mom..(she's got new details on the baby)...interupted by a call from Bryan the washer repairman beeping in.....interrupted by a call from Margaret beeping in to say we don't have to do the fingerprinting...that's ok.......WHEW!!!
Holy cow..I thought I was never going to put the phone down....I am surprised Ella slept through it all...with the chainsaws abuzzing in the background ....
2:30- Lucy gets off the bus.......back......her cranky self....from preschool......
2:45-Run outside to pay the tree guys who are just now coming over from the neighbors and starting on my trees....
3:00- Give my kids a snack of yogurt while they watch the tree come down... (On a side note I have got to stop saying Crap....Lucy looked outside and said...."Mommy....wook at all the cwap in our yayd"---and they say her speech is delayed...hahahaha!!!
3:30- Ella wakes up...cranky.....
3:35- Split up the 100th fight of the hour between Gideon and Lucy
3:45- Start making the pizza dough for supper
4:00- Calming Ella down.....keeping the other two from eating eachother alive....
4:30-Stick in a movie for the two kids so I can have some peace and make supper.
5:00--Pizza is finally into the oven....more comforting Ella while trying to finish the salad and get the table set for supper...
5:15- Get a call from my prayer partner asking if I want to meet at Mcdonalds at 6:30 to pray
5:20-Discover Lucy has been snitching food off of her plate and drinking Ella's milk...
5:25- Go out to the living room where Lucy has managed to get the pull tab lid off of the free samples of Enfamil that I got in the mail( that I was planning to give away by the way) and spread the formula all over the couch.....Yah!! By this point I was about to really....and I mean really loose it.....
5:30- Keith calls and i answer his Hello with a desperate cry...."please tell me you are on your way home and not working late again tonight" which he replies....yes....I'll be home in ten minutes.....
5:35- Vaccumming the couch cushions
5:40-Beep...Beep....Beep....Pizza's done
5:42-Keith walks in
5:45-Sit down to eat
6:15- Clean up what I out the door to meet my friend
7:30....Return clean up my Keith put the kids in the bath....
8:00...Relax with a popcorn snack with my kids...
9:00....put the 2 big kids in bed
9:30....put the baby in bed
10:30....Night Night

Hope you enjoyed my symphony of the day!!! I'm just glad it's all over! Hope you guys are all well!!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Oh Taryn... what a day. And that remembered it all, is amazing. They usually end up a complete blur in my head. :) Hopefully today is better. Miss you guys.

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