Friday, May 29, 2009

Fresh and alive...bright and young...spring is a love song sweetly sung..... that musical....I know no one has a clue because no one (but perhaps my cousins Grace and Maria) are as obsessed with musicals like I am....

Anyway it is another beeeeauuuutifuuuulllll day! I should be outside instead of sitting in here on the computer but I'm not. I just got done making shortcake for tonight. We're having friends over for pizza and strawberry shortcake and I am really excited. My kids are going to absolutely bombard Nat-Cat but that's ok...we will survive. So today is Lucy's last day of preschool this year. She should be arriving home in about 25 minutes. I have enjoyed my "quiet times" when she is away but have missed her a lot so I'm glad she's now a "less-scheduled" child. We had an appointment with her opthamologist on Wednesday and it went really well. Her eyes were better this time than last and the doc was excited about that (so was I") Anyway she was VERY excited to learn that we were thinking of taking Lucy to a pediatric orthopedic and couldn't encourage us enough to follow that route. She stated that Lucy's eye thing was muscular and she was interested to find out as well if it was a whole body muscular issue or just eye. She strongly recommended a orthopedic in the of which has an uncanny way of diagnosing those kids that (like Luc) are difficult to she is REALLY good with kids. Hopefully she will be in our here we go...I am excited...nervous and apprehensive but Really Ready....hopefully we can get this show on the road faster than 6 months!!
Well...that's the latest. Tomorrow we are going to pick up Grammy and Papa from the airport...and the kids are really excited....I must admit I am excited to see them too...they've kinda grown on me over the years ya know :) Anyway I hope everyone is having a great week! Enjoy the beautious weather!! Me Encanta Mucho!!

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