Tuesday, January 20, 2009

MLK and Today

Yesterday I wanted to teach Gideon and Lucy a little bit about what this "holiday" was about. So we had a little lesson about Martin Luther King. We colored his picture and talked about him and african american history in this country (of course on an incredibly primary level) We wrote ways that Gideon thought up about making peace. He did really well thinking of them he came up with 4 ideas without any help from me: I can make peace like Martin Luther King Jr by Saying I'm Sorry; Listening to God and to other people; Giving love like Jesus; Liking peopleof different colors. Then...of course....(with my kids this is the norm) he and Lucy wanted to Dress up like Martin Luther King Jr .....and so I got out the suit jackets and painted on mustaches (Gideon wanted to paint his whole face brown) and "played" Martin Luther King Jr. It was pretty funny....I hope no one is offended by it...he is so cute in his innocence.

HAHAHAHA!! After that we played DC Talks ( I know...pathetic that I have this C.D) "Free At Last" and danced around the room...we talked about how just like Martin Luther King Jr talked about Freedom....that he also believed in Jesus and we can have freedom when we ask Jesus into our hearts...Jesus died to give us freedom from sin...so we danced for Jesus to the song and laughed and (don't tell Keith) jumped up and down on the couches ...I'm not sure if the kids got the message but hopefully I gave them something we can build on in the future!

Today...for the presidential inaugeration (sp?) we made a poster and colored pictures on the American Flag, President Obama and the White house. We talked about the United States and looked at maps of the world. I told the kids that the President is like a King....they could relate to that :) Anyway we had fun. We watched the ceremony in the living room for lunch and amazingly Gideon actually sat down and watched it. It was a good time. I know they are really young for all of this but I just wanted them to be educated about the days (of course on a VERY VERY PRIMARY level) but still....it's never to early to start I guess!

Anyway hope everyone is doing well and had a good holiday weekend!

1 comment:

iisamu said...

Good for you Taryn. Awesome Ideas! I think Gideon looks awesome in his suit jacket and the Moustache...LUCKY!

P.S. The word verification to post his comment was "focker"...awesome.

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