Monday, September 22, 2008

No Way!!! We Landed on the Moon!!

Guess what Friday was at Preschool? Yep! They were studying the letter A and Astronauts. They made astronaut helmets, paper "rockets" ate what real astronauts eat and took a walk on the moon! Gideon came home looking so hilarious in this helmet and yelling BLAST OFF!!! BLAST OFF!!! 3 2 1 BLAASSSSTTTT OFFFFFF!!! as he ran around the yard throwing his paper airplane...I mean rocket :) I had to take a picture of him! It was red day also (the color of the week) and if he didn't wear red he would have gotten a red dot on his nose....or so he tells me! So he got to try out his new preschool t-shirt too! He is having SO MUCH FUN at preschool....meeting lots of new friends and learning about all sorts of stuff from astronauts to Adam. Anyway, it's really good to see him so happy about school....I know those days are numbered! I am cherishing every one!!
Keith and I attended a marriage conference at church this weekend that was awesome! It was called "Love and Respect".....I felt like maybe we were a little too young to be going and we don't have a whole lot of "big" marriage issues yet but we decided it was never to early to work on problems and went for prevention therapy :) It was so great and applicable! Keith and I got a ton out of it! I even started to apply one of the biggest things the speaker told the women to do with their husbands and that was just be with them and not talk, right after and it worked! And all of you who know me well know that "not talking" is an incredible feat for me! :) But Keith completely opened up and started talking about stuff which is an incredible feat for him! It was cool and I'd highly recommend this conference!
Ok enough blabbing about the marriage conference! Hope all's doing well!

1 comment:

iisamu said...

Just to let you know, I think I am going to go home and make one of those helmets too...they are AWESOME!!!

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