Monday, March 24, 2008

Guess What the Kids got for Easter!! So, I was working at my auction 2 weeks ago and I found this costume, and blow up E.T. My grandma Rigal had a blow up E.T. that we used to play with all the time at her house when I was little and I couldn't pass it up! I paid much to much for it but it had a lot of sentimental value and the kids loved it! They were running around the house saying...E.T. Phone HOME....and other quotes from the movie. It was a big hit! Our Easter was great! We drove to Cleveland to see Keith's brother's family on Saturday, spent the night and then drove back on Sunday afternoon. We ended up Easter at my Aunt Jenny's for supper. The kids had so much fun with cousins Jacob and Josh and second cousins Ryan and Craig. They were quite worn out when we came home last night! Gideon is still talking about going deer hunting with Ryan the next time! Today we are settling back down to normal life, trying to get the kids adjusted back to quiet time and doing laundry. This week is a big one as I am going to go to work one morning and have an auction on Friday night. I can't say I am really excited about going but it is fufilling my contigency requirements and it will bring in a little income too so I shouldn't complain. Mom is going to watch all three kids and this will be Ella's longest time away from mommy so hopefully she'll take a bottle better than her sister did! As far as the auction, it will be late Friday night until I get home. It's a food auction and those go from about 5:00-10:30 or 11:00 at night. I am thoroughly worn out after them and ready to sit down for awhile! Anyway, I hope everyone had a good Easter Holiday with family and friends! Love to All!

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