Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Today I write from the coziness of my warm home. It is raining outside, yet again and is cold and windy as this November or May? Seriously...I'm soooo ready for warm weather again. It's been awhile since I wrote but it's been a crazy life. I feel like I've been running since Grace left almost 2 weeks ago. My garage sale, though profitable, was insane....I will never do that again. It takes way too long to prepare and set up and tear down and I had a lot left over..... I just got everything torn down on Monday morning and have to make some deliveries yet to get rid of tables and baby stuff. We skipped right along from garage sale to Mother's seemed like a totally crazy weekend but a good one. Kelli and Marc, Jean and Doug came down and the girls actually got an afternoon away...we did some shopping and just hung out for was great. For Mother's Day I got these gifts from Gideon that he had made at school that were great....a painted picture of me and him, a cookbook of his interpretation of my recipes, and a fill in the blank...all about mommy page that was hilarious. All in all it was a great day.
I haven't seen or talked to Keith for more than 4 minutes since Tuesday morning...usually when he goes on trips I talk to him numerous times on his to and from flights and then a few times when he's actually there...this time I have talked to him about 2 makes me worry about him in flight and I've never done that before...just because he usually calls before he flies and after he arrives....anyway he returns tonight and I am ready!! The kids have been extra naughty and mommies patience is running thin....I think when the kids get spoiled with being able to be outside everyday and then it rains and is cold for quite a few days it's hard on them!!
At least we got the trashed basement organized and cleaned today so I have a place to chase them too when they are getting to "intense"
Tomorrow night I work for the last time at the auction. Then, I will only have my hospital job! YAY!!! I am really excited to be done. It was fun but it took up too many nights away from my family and husband...especially when Keith travels so much. I'd rather spend the evenings he's home with him. They've asked me to work one more day a month at the hospital and I am not really wanting too but it's all up in the air at this point.
Lucy is doing well in therapy. I guess I never talked about our appointment with the neurologist. He feels that all of her symptoms are coming from the seizures because the things we describe to him that she struggles with all come from the areas of her brain that are seizuring and she has no problems in the area where she has no abnormal brain activity. He just feels that she is not medicated enough yet. She is on a very low dose of Keppra we've up it to a higher dose to see what happens. Hopefully it will work. Anyway other than that she's herself...just a little more hyper....the higher dose of Keppra the bigger the mood swings and the more hyper she becomes....but I'll take it....Keppra is the only seizure medication that does not mess with your body systems...if we were on any other we would have to have blood tests once every three months to make sure it isn't ruining her liver...also she would be a lot more lathargic.
So that's the weekly update....hopefully everyone is good and having a warmer May than we are here!!!
Love to all!

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