Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A little bit of this...a little bit of that..

This last week has been a whirlwind...but I'm ok with that. I like to keep busy and I like to feel that I have accomplished something once and a while.
The kids and I worked outside almost all last week...weeding and trimming and planting. We don't have much land ...but man it takes a lot to keep it looking nice...and we don't live in one of those neighborhoods where it doesn't matter what your backyard looks like...unfortunetly we are lined by people on all sides and more often than not...welcome neighborhood friends in our backyard rather than our ..there is no slacking off...everything needs to look at least halfway is...well almost...I have to weed the kids play area again....note to all who are doing any "play construction" in the future...the black plastic and stones does nothing to keep out the weeds...eventually they make there way through no matter what....
But anyway...we also have planted our own little garden in the back by the shed...I call it my salsa garden...because it only has cilantro, tomatoes, jalapeno's, chives and basil in it...we tried for parsley but the rabbits ate that up pretty quick....and even after catching them....I think the plant is still done for. But, we are excitedly watching our little plants everyday...Even though the kids and I have always gone to my mom's and helped with her massive garden and have always recieved fresh veggies from our neighbors gardens as's kinda fun to have a little plot of our I don't have to go to my mom's for fresh herbs either. :)
We hit a wedding this weekend of a co-worker of Keith's was the first non-church wedding I think I have ever been fact....God was not spoken about nor even mentioned. It was kinda sad and although everyone looked beautiful it was missing something for me. But, the food was amazing and the location was fancy and beautiful so I gotta give them props for that part. On our way home Keith and I surveyed the damage from the tornados...unbelievable that something could hit that close to home and be so was like a scene out of twister and I was ready to get home and hug my kids when we were done.
This week has begun pretty good. We've been keeping busy and taking bike rides every night to strengthen Lucy's legs and gross motor skills. She's doing pretty good. We've been told it will take awhile for her to learn to ride bike period...much less years before she will be able to ride without training wheels but we figure if we work with her on a daily basis with it...the chances are greater that she will overcome this at a faster rate. We rode all the way to the meat market today and she did really well. Sometimes with Lucy we forget how behind she is until something reminds us...that's usually Ella. At 2 and 1/2 Ella is now dressing herself better than Lucy and she is riding the trike that Lucy just learned to ride last summer at almost 4 years old. It's frustrating to feel that she has come so far but see how far she has to go yet. We just keep helping, hoping and praying.
So that's the scoop on us....more later..

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