Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Is it a "she" or and "it"????

So...the big question of the week is this....when a female dog/cat/any thing on 4 legs is fixed does that mean that you call her an "it"? I ask this because of little Maxie got fixed Monday..and I'm not sure how involved the surgury is...I know with male dogs/anything on 4 legs...they actually sometimes have an "amputation"....(gross)....but anyway that would make them an "it" I guess but with a female...does she just get her tubes tied or have a total hysterectomy or what? If anyone knows I would love to be informed....because I'm not sure what to call her now :0)
All I know is that she is going to be incredibly high maintenance for the next two weeks...between antibiotic/not being able to be wet or be outside except to do her doody/not running around too much or jumping too much (yah right with kids) ...and as Gideon calls it... "the cone of shame".....I didn't know it was such a long deal when I started this whole if anyone has any suggestions I would most joyously except them! :)

Anyway...the past week went well....we finally finished the girls room...and now I live in a living room full of mattress' crib and baby furniture that will eventually be moved to my mom's for storage. We also celebrated Jacob's b-day which was a lot of fun as well. The weather was chilly like it's been every weekend...but the treasure hunt was fun and the food was great!
This week we are busy every night but not with anything important....just odds and ends of stuff. I work Friday twice...once morning/once night and my mom is possibly watching the kids all night so I'm going to try and convince Keith to come hang out with me for a while...we'll see if he will be a long night of nothing for him if he doesn't...unless he goes to my moms house and helps her out.

I am enjoying this beautiful day today and sorting baby clothes for the garage sale.....eating sushi and drinking sweet is good....


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