Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Highlights ...

So, most of you have heard that last week was a VERY emotional one with Lucy's seizures, sleep deprivation EEG and then diagnosis...I am looking forward to this week not being quite so traumatic...:) Anyway, Lucy is doing well. The first few days on the medication were horrendous....seizure medication is really scary really can change a childs personality..which is scary since Lucy is so sweet. The good thing is that this med is extremely mild and usually only during the "faze-in" of the med is when the child is emotionally extreme....which Lucy I said ..the first few days she was NOT herself at all and I thought....this is NOT going to work. She was like a woman PMSing or a anger ridden menapausal woman...I'm telling you it was HORRIBLE. She screamed and cried, disobeyed...non-stop...literally...there was a brief period on Sunday when we were with family that she was incredibly quiet and "out of it" a bit...but on the way home...she kicked it right back in...Sunday got so bad that in the middle of what I can only describe as an hour breakdown....she ended up peeing her pants (which she hasn't done in like 6 months) then we put her in the tub to calm her down and she pooped in the tub....(which again she hasn't done in longer than 6 months) crazy stuff....but thankfully Monday morning she awoke as a new little girl much more like her usual stuff...I just hope when we up the dosage on Friday she doesn't freak again....scary...anyway other than that she is doing well.
Monday morning Gideon was off for Presidents Day so we rushed over to the neighbors to see thier new puppy (it's a trend in our neighborhood :) Only their's is a little black cute...anyway the kids loved him and now Gideon says he wants a dog like that....I'm thinking..."buddy....we have this wonderful little pup at home that rings a bell to go out and pee and we don't have to worry about it that much anymore....and you want to start all over....I don't think so....." least he can go over with Max and have play dates...or more like Chew time for the lab :) Also on MOnday...while talking to the kids at lunch I discovered that none of them had ever heard of or tried a Twinkie or a fact they couldn't stop talking about them and laughing over the while Lucy was at therapy I bought some for them to try (nothing like introducing them to major sugar treats :) Well.....I had a twinkie (it's been forever...I had to see if they were still good) and they had HoHo's...and they didn't even like them!!! I was shocked...and yet pleasently surprised....I guess I don't have to worry about them begging for the completely unnutritious treats in the future....
The last few days I have been just trying to catch up on stuff around the house and work on the quilts for the girls beds...Keith is going away for a few days here and hopefully I can get these things closer to being done so that we can start with the girls room renovation in the next few weeks...I need to get Ella out of the kids for some reason are not the crib livin kids that most children are at that age....they want out...and get more and more irritable at nap/bedtimes until we do the hopefully soon we'll be able to switch them....then we'll have a whole other set of issues :) :)
Hope everyone is doing well!

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