Thursday, March 26, 2009

Better Luck Next Time.....

So...yesterday was an interesting day in the life of our family....I was loading the kids up to take Gideon to his preschool...not even a minute down the road by the way and Gideon was first to open the door and walk out into the garage while I got Lucy and Ella. I loaded them up, buckled seats and everyone was in the van when I noticed a pair of socks Ella had taken off the previous trip in the van, on the floor...I thought..."oh I'll just throw them in the house quick and put them in a wash load when we come back" I opened the screen door and tried to open the main door to the garage...and.....low and was panic and frustration I began frantically twisting the door knob and saying quite loudly I might add...."No...No.....NONONONONONO!!!!" You see, we country folk don't carry our keys with us usually when going on small trips not even a minute away...we just shut the garage door....AHHHHHHH!!! I have to take Gideon to preschool so I get in the van...once in the van I confront Gideon....(by the way I had had a terrible morning in which the kids were fighting and screaming and crying quite a bit and was so looking forward to some kid time-no excuse for my behavior though) I said "Gideon....did you turn the lock before you went out the door" to which he responded..."Yes"...I was so upset...I said "Gideon you are in so much trouble!" MAJORLY REGRETEDLY adding "You better have fun at preschool because when you come home you are in big trouble which I many time have I told you not to TOUCH THAT LOCK?"...Gideon was looking very forlorn in the back seat and I snapped out of my nasty mean mommy coming out episode and immediatly regretted the words I had spoke!! I apologized to Gideon and told him I knew he didn't mean too, asked him to forgive me and gave him a was one of those I hate myself moments and even now as I look back on it I cringe. Anyway I got home and went to my neighbors house for help...and to use the phone. I called Keith...he didn't neighbor and I went to work on the door but had no luck so I camped out at my dad's house for the afternoon until Keith came home from work to bust the screen off the kitchen window and climb in....(on a side note...he had a blast breaking into his own house:) the future I will be carrying my house keys with me at all times....not just when leaving the house for a minute or two.!!! And....I need to work on my patience in panic mode....

The other big news to share is my wedding ring blues.....feel free to add suggestions in the comments column as I am at a loss as to what to 9 years ago I married a wonderful man and we went to the jewelry store and bought our rings. The ring he bought me fit with my engagement ring perfectly and it was on a special sale rate of $99.00 dollars. fast forward to 3-4 months ago when I look down and one of the brackets on my wedding ring is completely and totally gone....seeing as though we don't have a lot of time or money to mess with stuff like this I put off going to the jewelers until the past two weekends where I first went to repair the ring, then contemplated a new one when told that I could trade the ring in and the original price we paid would be subtracted from the price of a new ring ...the new ring just had to be double the amount of the I looked at all the rings and send it in for an estimate to fix the old one....the estimate came back today.....a whopping....$300 to fix it! AHHHHHH!! What do I do....I love my old ring....Keith gave it to me on our wedding day...I really don't want to trade it in and never see it again...but $300 dollars!!!! AHHHHH!!! let me know what you think I should do because I have no....stinkin....clue....!!!!
Have a great week!!

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