So, some things are obviously passed down from generation to generation. Such as: eye color, hair color, stature, even teeth alignment....other things are moderatly obvious like character and personality. The things that really weird me out though are the things that are seemingly not genetic but obviously have no other source. Take for instance what has weirded me out the last couple of days about Gideon and me. Ok so Keith and I have made it a point to try not to pass our aversions and fears onto our children. We want them to make there own decisions up about what they like or dislike in areas of food and fun. We give them a selection of options and try to "expose" them to as many as possible so that they can see what they like or don't like. We also try to not "fear" or in the matter of food say "I don't like that" in front of them so they can format their own opinions. That is why I find it strange that Gideon has an aversion to hair....it totally grosses him out...in the tub....on the floor....in the sink.....on food (who wouldn't) etc.... because I get incredibly grossed out by hair as well....it makes me gag sometimes but I have never really showed that to the kids and yet he somehow he has that same reflex....and even weirder (is that a word?) I have just found out in the last couple days that he absolutely hates oranges...in fact he had to sit at the table on Sunday for 30 minutes until he ate a half of a clementine orange slice and he gagged it all the way down...ironically it has only been in the last few years that I have begun to eat oranges...I hated them as a kid and would gag on them just like Gideon...I can sort of stand them now but every once in a whlie I still get that reaction to an orange....anyway...call it coincidence....call it paranoia....call it whatever....I just think it's really weird that somehow....what can only be described as genetics I guess are passed down from generation to generation....so the next time I judge another parent for pressing their own fears on their children I will think twice....it may just be weird genetics!!
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