Tuesday, September 9, 2008

First Day of School!

So Gideon's First Day of Preschool was yesterday. He goes in the afternoon from 1:00-3:30. The preschool is just up the road so we can bike if we want to but yesterday daddy came home from work and we all took him. It wasn't too dramatic because we didn't even get out of the car. You get into a big line up of cars and the teachers come out, unbuckle (if necessary) and escort each child into the church. Gideon jumped out of the car with a nervous but excited look and I teared up as we drove away. I didn't actually cry(which I was happy about) but I was more emotional than I thought I would be. It was a little heart wrenching to leave him there and drive away. He seemed so little! Lucy was a bit distraught. When we came home she kept saying...I want Bubba...I want bubba....she started to cry and I told her we would pick him up after quiet time...she ran and threw herself dramatically on the bed and in a a whimpering voice said I want bubba...she soon got over it ! The teachers escort the kids back out to the car when the day is done so as Gideon was getting in I said..." Hi Buddy" He looked mad...he did not want to come home. He was pretty quiet the rest of the night and has yet to tell us about it all but I know he had fun because he wants to go back today even though he can't until tomorrow.
Lucy had her first dance class as well. She is the youngest in her class but still followed instruction pretty well. She was so funny to watch...hopping around the room with the teacher! She kept talking about her dance cass all night. It was really sweet! She will be even more cute next Monday when she gets to wear the whole outfit!! That's all that's new with us...hope all's well!

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