Cutie Pie Honey Bun!!
Well...we had the doctors appointment and I officially survived and was able to even listen to the doctor with all 3 kids in tow!! Gideon was on his best behavior and although Ella was fussy I put her in her sling and could manage Lucy and help doctor bourn with the assessment. Good news is her tonsils and adnoids are perfectly fine!! We did have trouble getting her to open her mouth though....then when Doctor Bourn put the light up to her to look into her eyes she finally opened it nice an wide!! She is now taking Zyrtec for allergies though which is what Dr Bourn believes is causing the drooling and choking (both which have subsided quite a bit). As far as her eyes though, there is somthing wrong with her right eye. What it is, however, we are unsure of. ...therefore we have been referred to a pediatric opthamologist in Perrysburg. We couldn't get in until July 15th so the wait will be long...and so will the appointment for that matter. She will have a very detailed exam lasting approx 2 hours. If it is a vision problem..she will then have to see the pediatric optometrist for some glasses! Luckily, because we are seeing an opthamologist that will study the entire eye it should be covered under our Medical insurance. I hope so because we have no vision on our plan since my eye sight is great and Keith's is now too since he had laser surgury. Anyway..I am excited to be getting the ball rolling even though it is rolling slowly! The rest of the week went pretty well. We kept busy and even though it was cold we still managed to get outside! The weekend warmed up and we were able to spend some time with Keith's family on Sat. evening at his cousins wedding reception. Sunday was very relaxing and we spent most of the day outside. I finished the book I was reading called "Strange Son" by Portia Iversen.
It was excellent! Keith's sister in law gave it to his mom to read and then she gave it to me. It's about a "low-functioning" autisic child that miraculouslly is communicating with people around him. It is very inspiring and spurs on my hope for Joshua (Keith's nephew) After reading it/crying through it, I just want to give Josh a big hug and tell him that his aunt loves him very much, now that I know he can probably not only hear me but understand exactly what I said. I have been blabbing about it to just about everyone and I really feel like everyone in our family needs to read it! Although it is a thick book it captivates the reader and reads very fast! I think if everyone in our family read it we could all better relate to and understand our Joshua! He must think we are idiots talking to him like he's Lucy's age when he can possibly understand us just like any other 9 year old, he just can't tell us that he understands. It's just an awesome book and I am thankful that Les gave it to Nancy and Nancy to me!! My love and hope for Joshua skyrocketed after reading it and I feel like I will be able to relate to him so much better now just from understanding a little bit more about what might be going on inside of him! Thanks Les!!! Anyway....enough of my excited mumbo jumbo! Today is a beautiful 85 degrees and sunny weather. I plan on taking the kids out in the sprinkler after quiet time! I am going to fill up a tub for Ella to sit in too! This Friday, the kids and I are headed to Binder Park Zoo with Grammy to meet their cousins Andrew and AJ! It should be a good day as long as the weather holds!! Hope all are well and having a good beginning of the summer AHHHHH!!
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