How cute are these cheeser's....they love eachother...sometimes.....
This pic was taken at sunset at Warren was absolutely beautiful...the kids LOVED it! The trip was a big success. Other than the fact that 60% of Warren Dunes folige is poisen ivy the atmosphere was perfect. There was plenty of dune climbing...tons of floatin and swimmin in the waves...taking walks...on cement paths (all wooded paths were covered with the infamous ivy) astronomy lesson....lots of good food...good fires and a smores extravaganza.....we had regular smores...smores with monstorous marshmellows....strawberry smores....smores with fudge shop cookies and cookies and cream chocolate bars...and smores with Reeses cups....delicious...other than the loud neighbors and an annoying baby praying mantis that settled itself between our tent roof and canopy..we slept amazingly well. The kids were thouroughly worn out when we came home but very happy too! I think we all want to do it over again next year.
Since then our lives have been crazy. I was sick for almost two weeks with what they thought was a possible kidney stone....but ended up being a combo of the new birth control pill I'm on, a nasty UTI, and an adverse reaction to the antibiotic combo'ed with my newly diagnosed IBS...that made me feel like crap for awhile...things are evening out a bit now though....(if you don't know what the pneumonics for the above mentioned things are don't want too :0)..) Anyway so I've been out of service. However...still busy.....we've been running around doing all sorts of thngs to prepare for the start of school...because Gideon starts in just 2 weeks...can you believe it....I'm so not ready for summer to be over....luckily they get out May 20th and don't go back in next fall until Sept 7th....just need time to finish the school for the move in 2011...and Lucy's debute Kindergarten year....anyway...this summer stinks because it's so short but we're dealing.
Yesterday Keith and I celebrated 10 years married...actually...I celebrated...Keith forgot..hahahaha...I didn't think you were suppose to forget at 10...I thought that came later :) Anyway it doesn't really matter because we leave Sunday for a whirlwind trip of Vegas, L.A., Laguna Beach and San Diego.....I'm so excited...even though it's a work trip for Keith...I can't wait. The kids are staying with mom's and dad's and I even though I want a break from them...I know I'll be incredibly missing them by day two....such a typical mom :0).....
Anyway so that's the scoop...when we get back in a week it's going to be...go school/upper MI shopping....and then vacation/school start....and then on to September...where I'm headed to see Traci and the baby for a week and Keith goes up north on his annual fishing trip....throw in the Fair, preschool, therapy, Lucy's b-day and dance class and we've got a busy fall...hopefully I'll be able to write again soon!!